< ="- - 宋体">The tape is an all-acrylic material that provides the strength and weather resistance needed in demanding applications and has excellent Viscoelasticity absorbs impact. And the invisible tape helps keep surfaces flat and clean improving design and appearance.
< ="r" ="">< ="- 宋体">The closed-cell structure acrylic base material has high conformability
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Excellent caulking effect
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">The unique backing adhesive is also suitable for different surfaces . Can replace rivets, screws and other mechanical fixations.
< ="-" ="- r -r"><>>
> < ="r" ="">< ="- 宋体">Brand
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Model
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="-宋体">Substrate
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Thickness
< ="-" ="- r -r" > .
< ="- 宋体">(
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">)
< =" -" ="- r -r"><>>
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体"> (
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">) Width can be cut as required - also as required Customized shape~
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Color gray
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Long-term temperature resistance
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">(
< ="- 宋体">℃
< ="- 宋体">) short-term temperature resistance
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- " ="- 宋体">℃
< ="-" ="- r -r"><>>
< ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Electronic appliances, automobile advertisements and other places that need to be bonded
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Glue system
< ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Acrylic glue
< ="-" =" - r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Extension coefficient
< ="-" ="- r -r">%<>>
> < ="r" ="">< ="- 宋体">It is suitable for reinforcement in air conditioners, office furniture, communication equipment, vehicle assembly, building signs and other occasions.
< ="-" ="- r -r"><>>
> < ="r" ="">< ="- 宋体">Suitable for mechanical components The attachment of accessories is not suitable for paper-based products.
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">Temperature range
< ="-" ="- r -r">
< ="- 宋体">℃
< ="-" ="- r -r">-
< ="-" ="- 宋体">℃
< =" -" ="- r -r"><>>